Wednesday, August 26, 2020

When life gives you lemons...

 COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 3

SW had a Minecraft birthday party yesterday... and the sad thing is... one of the more advanced, older players built a campfire INSIDE his house and destroyed his creation.  SW was so appauled... he quit Minecraft, ditched his party, ran into his room and cried underneath his covers.  What's a father to do.. when your child is THAT CHILD.  The one that gets picked on... the underdog who sooner or later needs to grow up and stand up for himself.  I immediately got sucked in.. thinking of ways to reprimand that kid... of getting revenge.. of teaching that kid a lesson.

SW....being the glorious child that he is.. didn't seek vengeance. He was sad...he was hurt... but he took it in stride. Famously claiming, "I have a good temper." 

Today.. he announced that he built a secret passage way between 3 of his houses... so if it happens again..  he has an escape route.  

What a kid... dunno where he gets it.  He's so resilient.  Able to bounce back from adversity and find new ways to bounce back.  My son... when life gave him lemons... he was able to make lemonade.  His father, today, learned so much from his son. 

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