Sunday, August 23, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157

We celebrated the kids' successful first day of Chinese school..... by letting them get a game on their iPads.  And SW couldn't hold it in anymore... he once again asked for Minecraft.  Something he's wanted all summer.  But we've refused to get for one reason or another.  It's addicting.  It's poor graphics.  It's a predator's dream come true.  And it costs money.  Yeah... you heard that right.  It costs money!!!  

And the past two days.... the kids couldn't be happier (including NN!!!)  They're building houses.  Hunting for food.  Going into creative mode.  And survival mode.  SW quickly told his friends he's on Minecraft and they jumped on a Google Hangout meeting for hours.  Poor NN.... none of her friends play. But she's enjoying it nonetheless.  So long Animal Crossing.... 

I finally ask... "How much did it cost?"

Joyce's response... "You don't wanna know..."

I don't wanna know.... aye...

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