Thursday, July 08, 2021

A new perspective

The past couple of summers... I've hired a teacher for the course of 8 weeks.  The idea is to bridge industry with academia so they can take things back to school and help bridge the real world with textbooks.  This summer... I specifically chose a non-STEAM teacher.  In fact... she's a librarian with a degree in English Lit?? Why would I do that??? I wanted to give her an opportunity, a chance. I wanted to challenge myself.  I wanted a new perspective on running a department in an engineering firm.  And my.... how much I've learned in the past 4 weeks.  

I don't think she's anywhere near the caliber of my previous hires... but I've learned so much in hiring her... that she's left a bigger, deeper, more everlasting footprint in me... than all the previous teachers combined. 

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