Tuesday, July 13, 2021

I lost it (again)

Found out this morning that NN is building a chair in science camp.  That's cool.  Deep down... I've always wanted to be a carpenter because Jesus is a carpenter (heh).

Then she tells me that she's sawing and drilling... and right away I ask if she's wearing PPE's.  OMG...... the events afterwards blew up.  I gave her my goggles... trying to explain to her the dangers of working around any power tools.  Then I threatened to complain to the science camp that they're endangering the kids.  NN started defending them.... to my amaze.  "Parents aren't allowed."  To which I aptly responded, "What are they gonna do, arrest me?!"  

I can't believe she said that.... and she actually thought I was going to get arrested.  I'm not that stupid... but she thought I was over-reacting.  At that point, I really did over-react and.... Mr. Hyde came out.  Aye.... 

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