Friday, July 09, 2021

What's the dream...?

One of my biggest dreams (and hopefully not biggest regrets), is to go on a vacation with mom and dad.  Correction, mom OR dad.  <sigh...>

In my recollection... I have never, ever, ever.... taken them on a trip. We may have taken one day road trips here and there... but that's it.  Never overnight.  The closest one was for Chun's wedding back in 2012... but Hurricane Sandy put a dent in that idea.  And many years later... I find out that I'm the black sheep of the family cuz I never made it to my cousin's wedding when they rescheduled it.  Heh... 

Out of the blue today... mom says, "I want to go on a 3 day 2 night vacation." Mom never says that... she doesn't like to travel.  In fact... when the folks were together and dad was working for Hyatt... he booked all these international trips to Japan... Thailand.... only for mom to cancel last minute. 真掃興! 

I improperly thought of sending mom on one of those Chinatown bus tours (Shame on me!!)  Then we start talking about Jerusalem... the Holy Land.  Ohhhhhh.... my bucket list.  How I would love to walk the paths that Jesus walked on.  And to do it with mom.  The questions are... do we do it with a Christian tour guide? A Catholic tour guide? If we do it in Chinese...will the kids understand? If we do it in English... will I serve as translator?  And the biggest question... will Big Bro come with us??  

Sigh.... to dream.

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