Tuesday, July 06, 2021

For better or worse....

For thousands and thousands of years... house wives (homemakers) have taken care of the home without a word of complaint. In many cultures and societies... homemakers weren't just homemakers... they held a full time job as well.  And what did the husband (spouse) do?? Nuthing.  Absolutely nothing!!!  What did the wife (spouse) do? Nothing, either.  They didn't complain.  Didn't grumble. Whatever it took to keep a family going.

Well... I'm not that spouse.  I am going to complain.  Ugh!!!!  It's not fair!!!  Ugh!!! Why can't she pitch in a little... for dinner.  For cleaning.  For spending time with the kids!!! Ugh!!! Why?!?!?!??! Oh..... she did.  She dumped a bunch of her extra shoe boxes.  Donated a bunch of extra clothes.  The past two days... she cooked lunch and dinner.  She cleaned up the kitchen.  And when she knew I got upset... she went out an quietly bought a bottle of my favorite wine.  Heh.... "For better or worse...."  Vows are not to be taken lightly... huh? 

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