Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sola Scriptura

Inspired by the Bible Project podcast

"Can someone pick up the bible, whatever translation they have, read it and is THAT sufficient?" Sola Scriptura, or "In Scripture Alone." Great question.  Solid theological dissertation. And probably... centuries of division. 

Theologians point to 1 Cor 13:9-10, "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears."  They claim that "completeness" points to the finished bible as we know it.  That with the bible, you need nothing else.  Those are the same theologians that do not believe in modern day prophecy... and even argue that we no longer hear from God. 

Theologians point to 2 Tim 3:16, "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives."  While there's no direct word or words that point to the sufficiency, the argument is the scriptures are enough to do what God intends. 

My answer to my question... I think the answer is "Yes."  You read the bible as is, no commentary, no explanations, no concordance.  Just whatever translation you end up picking up... Yes, the scriptures are sufficient.  

The real question is, "What is sufficient?" Where do you draw the line? 

Creation.  The Fall.  The Covenant.  The prophets.  The Messiah.  The birth, death and resurrection.  Jesus' teachings.  The epistles to further those teachings.  And Revelations.  For one to understand and accept salvation - the bible as written is sufficient.  

Now... there are other arguments.  
  • Scriptures - is not for reading.  Within scripture itself, it encourages studying.  
  • Scripture - is text. It is dead.  The Holy Spirit is alive. You can't just read it and expect to know the heart of God. 
  • The bible, written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Latin, was written in context of the time.  Translating it into Latin, King James and modern day English, you lose the context.
  • I started reading the Hawaiian Pidgin translation of the bible.  Their vocabulary is quite elementary and downright funny, in many cases, for Americans.  But as I'm studying, everything that needs to be there, is mostly there!! 
  • God is speaking today.  He speaks to us every day.  Are we listening?
Now... having the benefit of studying, of learning a new language, picking up multiple translations to cross-reference, understanding the culture and meaning of the times.... do any of that really, truly impact the message of salvation???  Not really.  If anything, it further bolsters that gospel to be plain and simple.  

Sola Scriptura??? Yes, but..... 

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