Saturday, July 31, 2021

Catching up...

When was the last time I had a 10 day gap in updating... hmm...  pens up and lets's blast a little, shall we? 

  • Olympics Opening Ceremony - subduded... underwhelming for Japan.  Best ceremony to date... 2008 Beijing.
  • "Who would you root for?" I ask Joyce and Grace. "USA, of course."  "What about diving..." "Ohh... in that case, China."
  • Hong Kong won another Gold.  First time since 1996.  In 1996, the medal ceremony was serenaded by "God Save the Queen."  In 2021, the medal ceremony echoed "March of the Volunteers." 
  • They say there's no politics in the Olympics... BS
  • They say there's no politics in Church... BS
  • Weeks 2 and 3 of NN and SW's Galileo summer camps.  Underwhelming.  Can't believe CES and SDP did what we did back then.
  • Was worried that NN would have trouble making friends cuz we jolted her around during these few weeks, "Did you make a new friend?" "Of course. Why?" "Cuz I don't know how to make friends." "Why? It's so easy." (Zing!)
  • Got SW started on Dragon Ball.  Took a moment to tell NN... "You should read it too." 
  • JC finally went in for her surgery.  She'll be discharged tomorrow.  We came together and prayed hard over Zoom.  Then took the hubby out to lunch... a 5.5 hour lunch.. trying to keep him distracted.  What else do you do when you're waiting for your spouse to come out of surgery?
  • Met with Corporate Ethics, "None of the accusations are substantiated.  Hank... are you there?" "I'm here." "Oh... we usually expect a bigger reaction, a sigh of relief." (In my mind, I did nothing wrong.  This does NOT surprise me one bit.  Why react?)
  • China has never swept the diving competitions.  I know, right?!
  • 728 - I texted Carole again.  Last time I texted her... 728. 
  • Delta Variant... sheeeeeeeesh
There's more.  But this is what comes to mind. 

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