Monday, July 10, 2023

Almost became a hero

 At around 11AM this morning... I heard a consistent siren.  I first thought it was construction across the way and some big rig was being used.  But when I walked outside to investigate... it turns out my neighbor's alarm was blaring.  His patio door was wide open.  I knocked... I ran his doorbell.  No respond.  I started to get worried.  What if something happened?? Or was happening?? I called and emailed the property manager... but no response.  I banged his door again.  No response. He has a security alarm placard in front... so I call them.  But their answering service offered to call me back in 30 minutes.  

I was this close to jumping the banister and walk into his house to check on things.  What if it's a robber? What if there's a fire?? What if???

I waited a bit more... and the security company finally called back.  They weren't too helpful... for the right reasons.  They can't reveal too much of the neighbor.  All they can say were... ambiguously... that if an alarm went off... the owner and their emergency contacts would be notified.  That's it?!?!??!  That's all they were willing to share???

The property manager still didn't get in touch with me.  This was driving me nuts.

And right when I was about to break in.... the alarm stopped.  I guess the crisis was averted.  Or was it.....?

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