Saturday, July 01, 2023

Come and see.

ES Men's Prayer Group sponsored a BBQ lunch for Saturday ESL.  They invited all the pastors (none showed up) as well as all the regular teachers.  His email subject was "Come and see." I'm going to sub for a couple of weeks in July, so I might as well go observe.  But the cool thing was... I subtly brought the family with me.  I didn't ask them... I told them... to come with me Saturday morning.  Not knowing what to expect... I wouldn't look them in the eye.  I was just hoping, praying, wishing, that they won't give me the stink eye, and actually give ESL a chance.  Give it a chance... and they'll experience for themselves the joy of paying back to society.

For the first 15 minutes... they didn't know where to go.  I didn't know where to go.  So they just sat in the back of class.

Then the teachers split the class and it was just us 4 in one class.  SW and NN were so bored... they walked out.  Then we broke up into groups and the Teacher Assistants had to help each of the groups with pronunciation.  I naturally took my 7 people under my wing.  And out of the corner of my eye... I see that Joyce and then NN... owned their own group.  They were doing it.  Investing in it.

Then it was break time.  Everyone went to get pastries... coffee... drinks.  And I saw NN, SW, and some of the students' kids playing volleyball!!!!  Barriers broken.

Back from break... we had more group exercises.  Led by NN and Joyce.  SW... hung around. 

I didn't know what to expect when I brought the fam.  But as we were driving home..  they couldn't stop talking about the positive experience in serving those in need.  So glad that they were able to "come and see."  Now... it's time to "Go and tell."  

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