Monday, July 31, 2023

Catastrophic Failure

 Saturday afternoon we took NN to MVVC for Club Volleyball tryouts.  OMG.... there were easily 200+ girls on 4 courts.  Girls from different age and sizes... all vying for 10 spots each on 4 teams.  There was no way.  As good as NN is... she's no where near the level of play of these girls.  No harm no foul.  Cuz Sunday... we're gonna go to Panda Volleyball.  The name, already, sounds less competitive.  Of course she'll get in!!  OMG.... the quality and skill of these girls were even better than MVVC!!! What a friggin waste of time.  And the organizer did a very unprofessional job of letting the contestants know their fate.

Needless to say... NN did not make either of the team.  And last night... after doing some research, I find out the deep, dark world of Girls' Club Volleyball.  How all the teams hold tryout on the same weekend - thereby making players choose which one to go to.  Teams also want the best of the best.  So all the teams form their teams of 10-12 on the same weekend.  And literally, hundreds of girls go home empty handed.  Girls who want to play professional. Those who want a scholarship and play in college.  Or even dear little NN... who just wants to play.  

I feel like I failed her as a father.  Shoulda gotten her into sports at a much younger age.  Now that she's in her teenage years... it's already too late!! Plus, she's not especially gifted physically in height and strength. 

Why is it so hard?!?!??  NN is forced to grow up way too fast.  This isn't fair.  Life is unfair.  

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