Saturday, July 08, 2023

Seattle Trip

"Vacations" are fun and relaxing (depending on your definition).  "Trips" are getaways that is not a vacation, quite possibly, an obligation hence, the title. We could have gone to Vancouver... but the kids' passports expired and we didn't want to expedite and live under the stress of missing those dates.  In spite of all the family drama behind setting this up... the stars aligned where we were able to meet in Seattle to have a mini-reunion of sorts with Aunts/Uncles that are in their late 70's and early 80's. 

And with all trips/vacations... I did my part planning.  "Failing to plan is...."  (kid's in unision)  "... Planning to fail." 

Did my 5-Day Seattle trip research.  Found different types of cuisine. Researched things to do for all age range... from an 8 year old to an 80 year old.  Took into account different weather patterns, different physical capabilities - hikes for beginners, intermediates and advance, different interests, and finally.....  the touristy spots.

 I unveiled the itinerary to the kids days before the trip and got their approval.  They loved it.  All throughout the trip... "What's next on the itinerary??"  Heh... 

Day 1 - Arrival
We took the first flight out of San Jose - 6:45AM, with an early arrival of 8:30AM, so we get an entire day in Seattle before the Aunts arrived.  But that meant waking up at 4AM - it also meant saving $400.  But boy did we pay... the kids were so tired and sleepy.  No one wanted to walk and just wanna hit the hotel.  I was ready for this. I planned for landing, brunching, brief walk and just chill.  Very, very much needed.  

Highlights - Tried out an Amazon Go, where you walk in with your Prime Account, shop, walk out without paying, and you get charged.  And right when we stepped out of a restaurant in the middle of Pike's Place... we run into SW's best friend from church.  Of all the places...of all the moments... of all the locations...
Lowlight - Everyone was in a bad mood except for me. HA!!  "How do you have so much energy daddy??!"

Day 2 - Aunts Arrive
Headed to the local Starbucks Reserve in the morning.  The kids were fully rested so they had a pretty good time.  Then headed to "The Spheres" that ended up being a disappointment because you need to reserve 15 days in advance to get into Amazon HQs.  Killed enough time to pick up the aunts... and everything just went from 1x to 0.75x.  We're gonna go slooooooooooooooooooow for the duration of the trip.  

Highlights - Space Needle and Glass Museum.  The food at A+ Cafe and running into Keno / Siu!! 
Lowlight - Not getting a seat at Din Tai Fung despite me calling ahead and them saying the wait is only 15 minutes. 

Day 3 - July 4th
The Aunts met up with some friends in Seattle and this was suppose to be the first of several outdoor days - including a 27 mile backride around Lake Washington.  Did it happen??? NOPE!!! Ended up going to a yucky beach infested with algae.  Ugh....  we then headed to MPOP - overrated - and ended the night at a brewery.  Ok... it wasn't a bad day.

Highlights - Kids spending almost 2 hours in the video game museum.  Running into David and Sandy!!
Lowlights - Not doing my 27 mile bike ride or outdoor hike.

Day 4 - Aunts Depart
Woke up in the morning and decided to take the Aunts to the Starbucks Reserved by myself.  C'mon... kids, wake up at 7AM!? To drink coffee?!?  Please.  We then headed back to the hotel for them to pack, got them checked out, and off we went to.... Bruce Lee's grave.  To my surprise..  they were NOT comfortable with visiting a cemetery at all.  I thought they'll be excited - like me.  Oh well... big FAIL.  Went back lunch at Chinatown... then headed to the Seattle Aquarium.  Boy do we have it good in Monterey... this Aquarium is so tiny.  Took the kids on a spin of the Giant Wheel and we headed back to the hotel to chill before dinner time.  When we got to the train station... and everyone was in line to board the train, Amtrack says there's a mechanical issue and they re-routed everyone onto a bus.  Mad scramble!! Glad that Joyce and I were there - otherwise who knows what would've happened to them. 

Highlights - Visiting the Dragon
Lowlights - Dough Zone - bleah!!  And sending pics of the gravesite to my family.  Oops! Big no no, apparently. 

Day 5 - Clear the Board
The aunts were gone... now we can go do our own thing. Originally wanted to do a Kayak around the bay... but there were too many hurdles and piss poor planning (on my part, mind you) to make it happen. Plus, I don't think anyone other than me, SW, and NN really wanted to do it.  So we planned it so we can hit up some of the eateries at Pike's Place that we missed on the first day - including the "#1 rated food item, not in Seattle, but on Yelp." And also that "Piroshky" place.  Ok... they were good, not great, but good.  Then drove 30 minutes to hit up a Rock and Jump place, but smaller.  Headed back home to chill... only... I made a stop at the Mariner's Team Store at what was formerly known as SafeCo Field, now T-Mobile Park, where I got to shop for a good 45 minutes.  Ended the night at Din Tai Fung... where we should've ended up on Day 2.

Highlights - SW getting his fix for Clam Chowder.  He asked for it since day 1 when we arrived.  Kids getting an hour and 15 minutes of free time to run, jump, and play.  The laser maze where Joyce/NN beat me and SW - although, they knew exactly what to do after seeing us do it twice.
Lowlight - This really tears at my heart, cuz I single-handedly ruin the trip here. 

Day 6 - Homeward Bound
Last day of the trip... got some brunch, headed to the cruise, hit up a Mall and Children's Museum and time to head out.  Planned to take the last flight out of Seattle.. cuz as late as we were to land... we get to sleep in our own bed that night.  Ahhhh.... Home Sweet Home.

Highlights - Motorized scooter in the streets of Seattle.  Street parking and Park and Go app.  I spent exactly half of what Grace spent for parking... cuz I was cheap enough and willing to walk a little.  
Lowlights - well.... in summary.  Me.  Woe be me.

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