Sunday, July 09, 2023

It's a matter of when...

For almost 3 years now... we keep saying, "Not a matter of if... it's a matter of when."

Came back Friday night... Saturday morning, woke up to Joyce's text, "I woke up feeling warm.  Took a test and it's positive."  Holy Cannoli.  The titan has fallen.  The most careful in our family.  And is she got it... then the kids are probably next.  Spent all day Saturday cleaning up after the trip... getting groceries... and taking care of a quarantined patient.   Then today... our biggest fear comes to pass.  Siu Wah tests positive.  Double quarantined.

Where did they contract it from? ESL Celebration? The plane ride up? In Seattle? Who knows... 

This strain.. supposedly.. is a lot more potent and easily transmissible.  But the symptoms are fairly mild.  And that's exactly what it's been.  So now... it's just me and NN 相依為名.  

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