Saturday, September 17, 2005

T-minus 1 day

Went to bed at 3AM working on that darn slide show. I'm so close to getting it finished, yet so far from seeing the final product! Maybe I shouldn't be such a perfectionist. C'est la vie, y'know?

Got about 4 hours worth of sleep. Woke up and headed out to San Francisco for our wedding rehersal. Everybody arrived on time, which was amazing. I didn't realize the rehersal would be so intense. Deacon Anthony actually had us go through our vows. Embarrasingly...I choked up big time when I first heard myself say those words. I got about two phrases into my vow to God and to Joyce and I couldn't hold back the tears. The tears of joy came pouring out of throat was tied in knots, I couldn't even muster any words out. Funny thing is, I asked Gracie to prepare an emergency kit for Joyce: Kleenex, eyedrops, Shout Wipes, etc.... and it turns out I was the one who needed the emergency kit. I hope I don't start crying tomorrow, again. Then of course, Joyce blows through her vows and makes me look like a crybaby. LOL!!

After breakfast, we headed over to Koi Palace for our rehersal lunch. Oh was amazing to see our relatives again. If only I could do this everyday, go to a teahouse with my friends and family and just eat and share. Some of my groomsmen surprised everyone when they ordered 6 orders of Shrimp Dumplings. WHOAAAAAAAAAA..... and they finished it!!!!

When lunch was over, Joyce and her bridesmaid went off to her bachelorette party. Jeff and I went off to run our errands. Time was ticking away so quickly. I got back to San Jose around 6 and had to start working on the slide show - argh...that dreaded piece of thing!! Shoulda listened to Christie and ask someone to do it for us.

My groomsmen and a buddy who flew in from New York came over and we had piece and sodas for dinner. That was my last meal as a bachelor. =) How fitting that God brought them all there with me.

As time continued to tick away, I went over to spend a few hours with my spiritual family. To get away from all the planning, logistics, schedule, etc.....and be able to emerse myself into God's words. Amazingly, our cell group was studying one of my favorite verses in the bible, Psalm 139 - which also happens to be my favorite Streams of Praise song. The time of fellowship and worship and prayer brought me into a realm of peace and calm that only God can prepare for me.

Time doesn't stop to wait for you...I still had that slide show to tackle after coming home from the cell group. An all too familiar position. 2AM in the morning, and I was sitting in front of the computer, working on a program. Only, this wasn't some assignment I didn't want to turn in. This is my way of coining my relationship together in roughly 5 minutes. I can't let it be done sloppily.

3AM and things finally coming together. It's not done...but I really need to go to sleep now. And's 3AM!!!!


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