Sunday, September 25, 2005

Wedding Cards - AWARDS!!!

A week after our wedding, we finally had time to sort out our cards and gifts. We easily received over 150 cards. And like the Oscars, Emmys, Grammys....we have our own awards and acknowledgements:

Most Modern Looking Card

The 3-D Cards

The Most Artistic Card - The picture doesn't do it justice. The card is a simple orange card with indented dots. Definitely one of a kind!!

The next two were very simple - but sometimes, more is less (and vice versa). The simplicity captured more than something very flowery.

The Loveliest Cards - Runner up to being my Favorite

If you thought those two looked "alike", here's the Doppleganger award. We easily got over 150 cards and only had two doubles!

My last name is "Leung" and these cards are definitely very "Leung." Don't get me wrong...I love them!! If for any reason...because they are so "梁!"

Lastly...after siphoning through all the beautiful cards, whether they were funny, touching, artistic, romantic...this card took home the prize!!


got henry? said...

點解?! 好好反省一下啦﹗ HRMPH!!

Yours was runner-up to the runner-up the runner-up lor... oh, and b/c it took us forever to figure out both of your signatures, so you lost points for being messy. =)

Anonymous said...

You know what, I don't even remember the one I got for you.

But....didn't you think the one I picked for my parents to give you was preeeeettty cute?

fivepluszero said...

hehehehe!! i see my card!

Sandy said...

wowow.. i didn't know that this is a competition... otherwise, I might pick something else.. hahaha..不過..哈哈.. 如果我冇記錯, 我張卡應該係榜上有名, 有冇獎品先??

Unknown said...

What a wonderful card collection,Your all the stuff are so pretty!!
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Plastic Gift Card