Saturday, September 17, 2005

This is the day the Lord has made...

"In the name of God, I, Henry, take you, Joyce, to be my wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow."

Special thanks to:
My wife: for saying "YES"
Mom and Dad: for doing a stupendous job all these years
The in-laws: for welcoming me into your family
My Groomsmen: for enduring my temper
The Bridesmaids: for balancing out the ugly groomsmen with your beauty
Pastor Alan and Amy: for the weeks of PMC, prayers, guidance, blessings
Jackson, Angela and Samuel: for the love and caring and allowing us to use your car
Mission Fab Five: for being by my side all these years
MyChris and Mel: for being the unsung heroes from pre-engagement till now
Deacon Anthony: for speaking with an English accent
Edwin, Carole and Irene: for lugging around your gear to catch up to our crazy schedule
Brandon: for capturing the moments
Christie: for your demonstration of unending, unselfish love
Sandy: for accomodating and adjusting my imperfect plans to near perfection
Rebe-Guy: for being the voice and life of the party
Joyce: for your empathy
Roy: for appearing in my dream
Joey: for standing in the cold
Karen: for dealing with all those strangers
Candy: for that wonderful hairstyle
Andrew: for 終身美麗
Ken & SoChi: for transforming a typical restaurant into a palace
Peter & Stella: for catching the garter - CONGRATULATIONS!!!
DailoDaiDai: for pressing PLAY at the right moment
MoonChi: for being MoonChi
Carol & Baby: for shining with radiance
Simon: for spreading God's words to my non-English speaking relatives
Lor Shing for dressing up despite not liking to dress up
Vito: for being the man behind the man behind the man

and of course,

thank you Father FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugly? >:(