Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Year in Review

The final day of the first decade of the second millenium... last year, I did a Decade in Review, top 10 and bottom 10.  This year, I think I'll just do a Top 10 of 10.  Without further ado... in reverse order.

10.  Introduction to TORTURE - Nui-nui's first baseball game and it happens to be Game 4 of the NLCS.  As epic as a playoff baseball game can be.  To summarize the final play.... "Fly ball (ROOOOOOAR!) Huff tags, runs... slides (ROOOOOOAR!)" 

9.  LOST - Never have Joyce and I been so captivated by a TV series that we would bust out our VCR and record shows!   

8. My name is Sailor Hank!! - VBS always gives me the chance to be a celebrity for a month - even though the fans are not older than 10.  But the special moment from this year was Joyce breaking through her normal self and joining me on-stage as Olive Oil to my Sailor Hank. 

7. Step by Step - My goal to run a half-marathon by 30 was off by a bit... but nonetheless, a lifetime milestone, nay... 13.1 milestone was reached.  And in the end... it was just another run in park. 

6. 我們愛, 讓自己不一樣, 讓世界不一樣 - Friday night, we send Heart of Christ an email telling them we'll be joining them.  Saturday morning, we find out we've been selected to start a new Young Couples' Fellowship.  Oops!  

5. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away - Ironically... two of our closest friends announced to us they were pregnant on two different nights that the Giants lose in the postseason! Thereby, cushioning my anger and sadness.  PTL!!

4. When two become one... - Not a day goes by that we don't argue how we would re-do our wedding if we had a chance.  I want a luau.  She wants to have it in a hotel.  But the thing we can't not agree on (sorry for the double negative) is spending the rest of our lives together. 5 years down... a lifetime to go.  And on this date.. I proudly restate my vows....

"In the name of God, I, Henry, take you, Joyce, to be my wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow."

3. There's a 1st for everything - There were a lot of firsts for Nui-nui this year.  This culminates them all.  First step, first sentence, first timeout... but none more memorable than having a friggin' BBQ on the hottest day of the year in a house that does NOT have air conditioning!! HA! Nonetheless, the Teddy Bear party was successful and both Joyce and I survived that day in one piece.

2. I can die in peace - Where were you on the night of November 1, 2010? I will never forget.... one of my great fear of dying without seeing a Giants World Series is finally put to rest.  Brian Wilson....Fear the Beard...throwing the high fastball - strike three.  And all those years of agony...all the ghosts that have built up... all the sorrow that have been ignored... relinquished once and for all.  (Do I really pick the Giants winning the WS over my daughter's 1st bday...? HECK YEAH!!!!)

1. The announcement heard around the world - On an unassuming morning in August... Joyce wakes me up.  I annoyingly tell her it's her turn to feed Nui-nui breakfast.  And her response was... "老公, I'm pregnant." 

And those are my 2010 best.... moments in time.....

Monday, December 27, 2010

Potty mouth

Do you remember who taught you your first cuss word? I remember my brother first taught me the word "stupid" and I never looked back.

But that's probably more the exception than the norm.  My dear Nui-nui's vocabulary has been expanding... expanding indeed.

When she sees us getting ready for dinner, she'll automatically pull out her chair and start saying "Sit! Sit!"  Only...instead of the "Essss..." sound of the letter "S", she's making a "Shhhh..." sound  And the cool thing is, she doesn't just say it before meals.  She says it everywhere.

Oh... and then another one we discovered. She's learning her utensil names. Y'know... spoon, knife and fork.  But her tongue isn't developed to roll out the "R" sound... so instead of "fork..." it sounds more like, uhm... "fok."  And's not really "fok"... but it's how she makes it rhyme with the word "luck" that's the kicker!!

Should really stick a bar of soap in her mouth if she wasn't so cute!

Mood: forken sitty

Monday, December 20, 2010

more Nui-stones

The full sentences keep coming... Today in the car, on our way home... we ask Nui-nui a question and her answer is "Yes and no." 

Now where did she learn that??? I knew my daughter will grow up to be a politician!!!

Mood: awestruck

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nui-stones at 18 months

Nui-nui turns 18 months today.  Happy Birthday Nui-nui!!!!

Most notable recent Nui-stones....

  1. At her 18h month checkup - turns out she gained 3 lbs and 3 inches since her last visit at 15 months.  She went from 20th percentile in weight to 50th percentile.  She went from 30th percentile in height to 75th percentile. Naturally...I ask the pediatrician if we need to be concern about obesity. 
  2. Can drink soup/milk from a bowl.... like a real Chinese.  YEAH!!!!!
  3. Officially lost her first shoe.  $20 down the drain...and she only wore it once.  Sigh...
  4. Potty training moving on very well.  Absolutely amazing how much slower we're using diapers lately.
  5. Spoke her first sentence...  but jaw droppingly her first sentence is "I don't want to."  And this isn't just once or twice... it's recurring.  As a father, I give myself a grade of C+.  I don't get an F cuz at least 1) she can speak and 2) I'll want her to say that when she's 17-18.  HA! 
  6. Gave Nui-nui her first timeout. =(
  7. Eats four bowls of Cheerios in the morning
  8. Almost has enough hair now...where we can almost use a brush to almost comb her hair...
  9. Kisses mommy's tummy every night before sleeping... Awwww....
Mood: thankful

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A kind gesture...

As we were walking out of Lucky's... we walk pass a man trying to win a prize in those machines full of stuffed animals.  No more than 5 steps after we pass him... he says, "Excuse me... this is for her."  He hands Nui-nui a little frog that he won and says, "I don't keep them... I just win them.  Merry Christmas."

And a Merry Christmas to you too Mr. Nameless Man.

What a kind gesture...

Mood: thankful

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

In anticipation...

Remember the days when you first got a pager... and you'll page or read a page from someone that said nothing more than "823" or "111487 12 11 001179"

Remember the days when you first got email... and you'll drop everything you're doing whenever a new mail came in?

That's the kind of parallel I draw whenever I come home...and I run to the door to see if an Amazon box is lying outside my front door!! Ohhhhhhh...the anticipation!!

Mood: giddy

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A "dump"

First of all... I admit that I'm a cutting edge technology moron.  So last night, when I was talking to a buddy about!news and such... throughout the conversation... over and over again, we used the frame of reference "a dump" to put into perspective the amount of time needed to do something.

-A few tweets 140 characters long - perfect for "a dump."
-Can I manage my smartphone's memory while taking "a dump?"
-The new MMQB article's gonna last you "2-3 dumps." 
-Man!  Had too much protein last night... I can get a few more chapters in with my "dump." 

Mood: inventive

Friday, December 10, 2010

Just realized that...

When we read that "...every knee will bow" -- it's not going to be an option or choice.  Whether you like it or not, it's going to happen.  When the creator of heaven and earth comes again, there's gonna be some @$$-whupping...

Mood: cautious