Saturday, July 21, 2018

Great America

Went to my annual work picnic yesterday at Great America.  I still remember in years past... my company would take over the park and have only company folks.  Time went by... and we shared the park with the general public, but with a fully catered BBQ lunch.  Time went by... and we had a subsidized lunch.  Now... it's just general park admission and I have to pay for parking.

As I was soaring over the park on the Eagles Flight...the little sky tram... I see a lot of old and a lot of new.  This park has not escaped the Passage of Time.  Staples like Logger's Run and Revolution are no longer around.  But the 2-story Merry Go Round has never changed.   Back then, I can play all day and all night and not get tired.  Today... I went on a kiddie, spinny ride and I got motion sickness and wanted to barf.

Fr. Steve... SDP... the tutoring kids... Chinese Altar Boys...  all these ghosts of the past will rush back the moment I step on these sacred grounds.  And it delights me when I see new coasters going up... it just means that this place is still making money and won't be closing soon.  Some day.... one day.... let's hope that day ever happens.

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