Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Prayer Meeting - 7/25/2018

A monumental prayer meeting tonight...

1) Sam Tes shared about X-Club.  A ministry where our church reaches out to a local public middle school kids to build relationships and lead people to God for healing. These are under-under privileged kids... and to hear that 2 of them were sexually harassed?!?!

2) Miranda shared about Word of Grace - how we've had MS and CS b&s lend their lives to nurture the parents.  And how Miranda is a one-person army... under constant spiritual attack... but will continue to fight the battle in the name of Jesus. What keeps her going... that ONE person that she can bring to Christ. 

3) Papa John/Christina/Cindy - over a decade of excellent service by these folks.  Years and years of reaching out to a lack of response.  Until finally... they changed their direction and started to pray and intercede.  Pray and intercede.  And on the latest "celebration", two words got 1/3 of the room to respond to the Altar Call..... "Last chance."  Imagine a senior hearing those 2 words.

4) Finally.... Mandarin Congregation sharing their church planting vision and mission.

The only sad thing..... CS only had 5 people show up.  2 of the 5 were presenting/sharing.  1 was the spouse.  Dang......  Prayer Meetings are not what they use to be.

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