Sunday, July 15, 2018

I have a style???

So recently...our church started a Church Blog site.  And I've submitted multiple blog entries by invitation or by my own conceitedness.

A few months ago... I submitted a blog entry that was a bit "too personal" so I told the blog administrator, if you want to publish this, please make it Anonymous.  Several months passed... and that blog was never published.  Maybe it didn't make the editor's cut... which is fine.  I told the Editor that I'll submit an entry about once a month... and it won't hurt my feelings if you don't publish it.

And then today... a dear brother walks up to me and asks, "Did you write the latest blog entry?"

I was befuddled.... I didn't know what he was talking about.

He then said, "It was written by Anonymous,  but I can tell from the writing, that it's your style."

(To myself:  I have a style???)

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