Sunday, July 08, 2018


In the Catholic church, there's something called Penance, where you go to Confession, the priest absolves you from your sins...and you have to do something to atone for yourself.  Usually, it's saying a few Hail Mary's or a few Our Father's.  I was never one to believe in the penance part... but I do believe you have to do something as "punishment."

I'm in penance right now.  I'm in punishment.  For all the things I've done wrong... yelling at wife/kids; backstabbing; lying; immorality; you name it.... I've done it.  And to make up for my sins... I'm volunteering at Children Sunday School.

HOLY SH*T!!!!  I wanted to jump out of my skin today!!!  There's a reason why I don't do Children Ministry.  How did I ever raise two kids???  How am I gonna get past the rest of the summer?!?!?  Just wanna slap some of those kids upside the head and say, "DON'T YOU KNOW RESPECT YOU LITTLE TWERP!!!" 

But I can't... and I musn't.  All I can do is vent online. 

On the bright side... I'm witnessing first hand... the Children Sunday School Hall of Famer in action.  First hand.  30 years of teaching... and she's still going strong.  OMG... literally.  OMG....

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