Sunday, July 29, 2018

Handy Hank

I'm an engineer.  I hate Lego's.  I hate putting IKEA furniture together.  I am NOT handy. 

I've always envied my dad... without any formal training, he can fix and do just about anything. 

We have a plumbing problem at home right now... and with my Masters in EE, I have no clue on how to begin fixing. 

I wanted to clean, strip and repaint the concrete floor of my backyard.  I rented a pressure washer... and was done with it after 10 minutes.  I started stripping the darn floor... and wanted to quit and hire some hombres to do this.  And do a better job mind you.  But I love to have a story to tell... that I actually accomplished something.

And then... tonight.  We inherited a bike from our friends for NN.  No point in spending hundreds of dollars for a 10 year old... only to have to buy another one when she sprouts again.  But if something is free... it probably comes with some baggage.

The bike's brakes were very loose.  And the gears didn't shift.  After a lot of internet searching.  After a lot of youtubing DIY videos... after hours and hours of experimenting... I finally got the gears to shift!!!  One of the happiest feeling you get... when you're able to fix your children's toys for them.

For that one moment in time... I was Handy Hank. 

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