Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Epic Fail

Another one of those parenting moments... but this time it was a failure on all fronts, hence this EPIC failure.

Earlier this morning... I was in the showers and NN said she couldn’t find something. I couldn't quite hear her so I said I’ll look for it later.  We left for school and was about 0.5 miles away from our house when I noticed Nn crying.  When I asked why... it turns out there was a contest at school for the cover of the Christmas Performance program and she couldn't find her submittal.

After my shower, I had one two many things to do and it slipped my mind.

When I asked her why she didn’t remind me, she said he wanted to but was afraid to ask. 

I had a choice... U-turn and risk running late. Or use this as a teaching moment, to not misplace your stuff. I decided to continue driving and broke my daughter’s heart. Upon drooping her off, I apologized for forgetting... but I wasn't going to bend.  I wasn't going to rush home to look for her design.

Out of remorse, I texted Joyce in which I got -- Silence.

That night, I was home first.  When Joyce got home, she walks in with deep bags under her eyes. It turns out she not only lacked sleep... she also came home in the middle of the day to look for the design. Only... to find nothing. Which is exactly what I was afraid of. 

Epic fail. I failed as a dad for forgetting and not turning back
Epic fail. Nn failed to keep her things organized and in tact.
Epic fail. Joyce couldn’t resist teaching her daughter a lesson...and in doing so, further tired her already tire self.

What kind of parents are we??

Mood: failure 

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