Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Of all days... why Christmas??

What did I ever do to you, Christmas Day??

Did I not cherish you? Did I not believe in Santa for an insane amount of years? Did I not go to Midnight Mass and then regular Mass the next morning? Did I not go caroling...or visit the elderly... or visit the sick at the hospital??  When did I not list you as my favorite holiday of the year??  When did I not, at the very least, put up an advent calendar or even a mini-tinsel tree??  When did I not tune into KOIT for "all-day, every day, Christmas music?"

Why do you have to haunt me once again??

Christmas of '95 wasn't enough??
Christmas of 2015 when I put NN in the emergency room wasn't enough??
Now I have to deal with Christmas of 2018??  What did I do to deserve this?? Of all days.... sunava-booch!!! Jus...jus.... JUST GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!

Gotta keep busy.  Gotta keep moving. Gotta keep mind occupied.  The moment I stop... I will think.  The moment I think... well... it just sucks.  Sucks a phat nut!

Mood: soul-less... all that's left is an empty body

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