Saturday, December 22, 2018

Preflections - Part Deux

Couple weeks ago... I preflected on 1) Handling relationships and 2) The power of my tongue.  Both of which are my greatest strengths and yet ironically, but biggest weakness.  Adding to this list are two quotes/idioms/proverbs that I like to throw out there....

3) "Like china, once broken, it cannot be fixed"  -- normally referring to trust or love.  But can also be a relationship, when handled improperly.

4) "It's toothpaste out of a tube." -- referring to words that are said, can never be unsaid.

In a short moment of weakness (and they usually are short, but intense), words came out that shattered a precious china into pieces.  Words that, though can be forgiven, can never be put back into a toothpaste.  As much banging my head on the wall as I can muster... the grief that I'm carrying gets heavier and heavier each day.  Until today..... when ironically I found out these two things.

3a) "Kintsugi" - the genius (and gorgeous) way of repairing broken china
4a) "How to Put Toothpaste Back in the Tube" - the things people do to prove a point

So....!!!  I guess I needa step up my game... stay positive... and try to turn lemon into lemonade. Or in this case... broken pieces of china into a work of art.  Ohhhhh... if only this were true.

Mood: Hopeful

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