Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Happy B-day

On the day we commemorate Jesus’ B-day... on the day we celebrate mom’s bday... Today is also my B-Day. (Break Fast Day).

等咗足足一個月零一日、終於出關。結果?I admit... I bent the rules here and there. The tumbler I used for water was sooo stained with coffee, that every swig was a reminder of when life was gooood.  Went to dim sum a few times, and though I tried to drink hot water... when an elder pours you a cup of tea, who am I to not drink?

This morning... I didn’t roll out of bed as expected. Didn’t dash to Peets for my long awaited Egg Nog Latte (Ohhh my luv... ). Instead, went back to old faithful - the pour over. While the kids were giddy about Christmas presents, I was their older version as I opened canister, whiffed the aroma, scooped the 20-22 oz of brown nuggets, grinded the forbidden seed, carried the grounds into its resting nest of a size 2 filter, bathed the brown gold with 202 deg water...watched sleeping beauty come to life to inhale its first breath... and then, the two minute wait.  The longest two minutes since SW’s allergy test.

And then... the moment of truth.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Felt soooooooooo gooooooood. I’m never fasting again!!!!!!!! And the price I paid... got light headed from the caffeine shock!! Hahahhaa... love it!!!!

In honor of my B-day.... I’ve resurrected my dedication to the sweetest of sweet nectars from 2006.

Mood: In spite of the Coffee high... one of the crappiest day of the year (of my life)

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