Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Back on the Grid

Just came back from a 7-day Cruise down to Mexico. Not only was it a vacation from the hustle and bustle of every day life... the cruise also forced me to vacation from the internet, social media and basically any form of communication with the outside world.  Communication wasn't completely cut off... I could've paid $0.25 per 1 MB,  I guess... and that would've been all I needed to main text-based communication.  But against my own principles and along with sound judgement, I stayed far and away.

It wasn't without effort though.  Every time we landed at a Port and we're walking or bussing around town, I'll be searching for any form of free WiFi.  But the tourist spots know what tourists want... no one's gonna offer free anything.  The closest I got was when our bus drove by a McDonald's... and I had about 3 minutes worth of traffic to get connected. FAILED....or was it SUCCESS??

Upon re-entering the states, when roaming was no long followed by dollar signs... I was finally able to get back on the grid. Joyce and I looked at one another and agreed, it was a good, nay, great break from the internet.  I will admit... I missed out on some official business.  Missed out on the Sharks making the most epic comeback in Game 7 down 3 goals with 4 minutes left.  I missed out on the 49ers draft.  Missed out on my Warriors playoff run.  Also missed out on some church business... including the news that a sister has taken a turn for the worst.  Or the fact a long, disconnected friend from HK was gonna make a short stop here in the South Bay.  The news... weren't really news, mostly garbage.  I was, however, in desperate need of connecting with {someone}. One blog entry can't possibly begin to annotate the volumes of unwritten words.

One of my goals for 2019 was "1/1/1" based on the book The Techwise Family.  Be technology free for One hour a day... one day a week... one week in a year.  Huda thunk... that I would actually achieve that goal.  Project 21.... might not be dead afterall.

As for the cruise.... where should I begin?

Mood: liberated

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Let's Proclaim 2019

After 3 months of intense labor... this season's Let's Proclaim 又告一段落.  Some reflections on this season's class... Part of the reason for saying "Yes" to Sandy was so I can redeem myself for my failures last year.  Things I did wrong, things I could've done better.  Isn't that one of our goals in life? Continuous improvement?

Some things were the same.  Some were different.
  • The majority of the students were girls.  While boys are challenging in some sense... girls present a whole new set of challenges.  I don't think I can say I favor one or the other... but I definitely have more leeway to rip into boys vs. girls.  Discrimination... bias... I tend to think that's just the reality of things.  Both times... I pushed the boys to the brink of tears.  I would never do that to girls... no no.  
  • Yummy-yummy - I got smart this time.  Learning from the other teacher, every week, I spent money on snacks.  Ice cream, Pringles, Izze's, Twinkies, whatever.  Then it got to a point where the kids got greedy and expected it every week.  Geez...!! 
  • Time mis-management - I needed more time... One more week.  Last year I was able to get all the boys up on stage in just 8 weeks. How did I screw up this time??  
  • Bite off WAY more than I can chew - Huda thunk that a parent with an ESL child would enroll him into a speech class!?!?  Not only am I teaching theology, I'm teaching apologetics, public speaking, speech writing... and now I'm teaching all that............... in MANDARIN!?!?!?!?  I can't believe I gave the parent an option.  I can't believe I painted myself into a corner by making that offer.  That first night... I stayed up late to translate the syllabus into Chinese.  Every week, the homework assignments, the emails to the parents, had to be written in English and my street-talking Chinese. And in the end... 
  • ...黃天不负有心人.  That little boy made his speech.  It was done in Chinese.. which is fine.  He had a lot of help writing the speech.  Which is fine.  But after all those weeks of scolding, stretching, coaching, befriending... I got through.  And oddly enough... no matter how harsh I treated him, he kept on coming back for more.  Almost like he wanted and needed an male disciplinary figure in his life. 
  • And not just him... this year, unlike last year, the class REALLY WENT AT IT.  The questions they asked!! The critical thinking that occurred!!  The doubts they must be facing!! There were several days where I gave up on the curriculum because the Holy Spirit was leading the class into a whole new level of understanding their faith.  Speech or no speech... that was the ultimate goal.  
  • Speaking of ultimate goals... my own personal goal.  I go back to my argument... Obedience trumps passion.  I'm Jonah.  I don't want to go to Nineveh.  But if God tells me to go... who am I to say "No?"  And should I say no... beware of a giant fish!   Coincidentally, it's Holy Week that I type this... but did Jesus want to go to the cross?? No!!!  At Gethsemane, He clearly wanted out... but He was obedient, and he submitted.  Ironically, that resulted in what is called the Passion of Christ.  
{Someone} asked... did the kids get you anything? A card? A gift? A high-5?  And I hadn't thought about it.  Nope... 8 weeks.  Why would they get me anything, especially if I'm the guy that makes them do homework, makes them run laps, scolds them, force them to endure my jokes.  But alas... the unexpected gifts I got.... that rocked my world... where the personal thank you notes from the parents.  
"We were so excited when we found out that you were going to be his teacher again. He really loves and admires you as his teacher and instructor. "
"Thank you SO much for your love and dedication in serving the Children Ministry. It was truly a blessing to have you as a teacher for Let’s Proclaim class!"
"XXXX loves being in your class and she has definitely learned something that will change her life for the better."
I even got a voice recording on WeChat... 
"Henry, I wanted to thank you personally for your dedication this quarter."
And alas... biting off more than I can chew resulted in this....
Mood: relieved (it's finally over)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


In acting, you go on dozens and dozens of auditions in hopes of one thing, the Callback. This is where the director/producer wants you to come back for a 2nd audition, where you’re one step closer to reaching nirvana.  Conversely... if you don't get a call... that's the end of the line.

Yesterday I participated in a Speed Mentoring session, where mentors (me) sat at a station and the mentees (generally new hires) would rotate every 5 minutes to come *gulp* talk.  It’s a take off of Speed Dating where singles would rotate every 5 minutes, use their best pickup lines, and at the end, if there’s a match or chemistry, they can exchange digits.  Here I am, putting on my A-game, using my most endearing smile, throwing out my best (or worst) jokes and wearing my twinkle-eyed charm.  Regardless of gender, background, age-range, everyone walked away with “Is it ok if I call you?” or “Would you mind if I set up a meeting with you after today?”  I was on a roll…. Until she showed up.

She holds a Bachelors from a prominent engineering school and has a Masters from another prominent engineering school.  What was she even doing at my company?!?!  Then instead of giving me a chance to exude my charm… she fires off question after question.  She came prepared.  She had a list.  She knew what she wanted.  Of the list of 12-15 questions, she would flip her sheet of paper around, like she almost knew which ones would trip up “this mentor”.  I wasn’t ready for this. I paused too long.  I choked  Then at the end of 5 minutes, she got up, politely said thanks, and walked away.  Failed. [D’oh!!]  Hahaha… my one blemish of the day.  And this bothered me more than I realized.  Probably cuz I was this close to bowling 300, and on the last frame, I guttered it.  Had I missed 2-3 more rolls… it wouldn’t have stung as hard.  Ah wellz… such it is.

As I was about to log off today… I see an email pop up.  It’s from her.  She thanked me for being candid.  And sent some follow-up questions.  HAHA!! I didn’t screw up!!   I landed a Callback!!

Mood: win

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The fact of the matter is...

Know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em? Rolls off the tongue pretty easily, huh?  But how about every day conversation and interaction? Must we always point out the truth? Must we always be 100% honest... even to a point of hurting someone? "It's the truth!! I'm only telling the truth!! I can't be someone I'm not."

I guess you have to applaud them.  They're sticking to their guns.  And they've gotten to where they are... by being who they are.

Some call it suave... others call it tact.  And I guess... my expectations are just over the top.  And I guess that's ok... for the aforementioned reasons.  But when you open up and sorringly grovel... "can you hold it with the truth or contradictions and arguments?"  And the other person simply and utterly says, "Nope."  It just leaves me wondering... what is it with people?
That's probably when you're holding a weak pair...and the opponent is showing straight/flush.  It's probably a sure sign to just fold it.  Walk away now before you lose the pot...

Mood: befuddled

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Beautiful, Very Beautiful...

Beautiful is when the entire congregation responds to an altar call... and the 90+ year old ladies stand up in solidarity as a symbol of respond.

Very Beautiful... is during Communion today. I am a Communion steward and I can see 90% of the congregation - those who are praying, those who are yawning and those who are crying out tears of anguish, reconciliation and / or joy.  And my wife happens to stand next to one of those breaking down physically and emotionally... and she extends an arm of support and draws that sister in for a hug.  My wife... the one who several years ago... wore an emotional cast that prevented her from showing that sign of sympathy.  

Very Beautiful... is my wife willing to hold a fellow sister's hand, to show that she will be there for her, to pray, to intercede, to provide a shoulder to cry on.  Very Beautiful... is the woman..... named..... Joyce. 

Mood: deeply, deeply moved

Thursday, April 11, 2019

To flush or not to flush...?

If you were to walk into a stall and see a bowl full of stuff... would you flush it? Or would you move onto the next available stall?

One time, I tried to be the Good Samaritan... and what ended up happening was, I caused an overflow to which the person in the adjacent stall had his shoes...baptized.  (I know... I know... Ewwwww).
Since then... I've always moved on and let the janitors take care of things.

Today... I encountered the same situation and asked Geoff and Anderson what they would do.  Anderson so aptly pointed out that there should be a drain in each stall... and all the drains should prevent any baptism from happening.  Wow!! I never noticed that!!

Now I have to go audit every stall in my building to take inventory of drains and grates!!

Did a sampling audit... nope. The stalls share one drain.  And the urinals share a drain also. 

Mood: inquisitive

Saturday, April 06, 2019

Opening Day 2019

4/5/2019 - Opening Day 2019 for YOUR San Francisco Giant.

Opening Day is not just any baseball game.  It's the one day of the year... where you supposedly start off with the same record as the rest of the MLB.  There are 162 opportunities to achieve or fail to attain the pre-ultimate goal of reaching the playoffs.  I've blogged about '89 (Battle of the Bay) and 93 (103 win season).  Or 2000 when we opened up Pac Bell (and lost to the Mets inspite of JT's pointing HR).  Then there was the year that never happened in 2002 (F*CK!!!).  2003 - when we went to Spring Training, went to over 30 games in Section 124 only to see Jose Cruz Jr. drop that flyer.  Much pain and suffering until the legendary and forever imprinted 2010 Band of Misfit years.  2012 and 2014 were great... but nothing like 2010.

There are about 3 people I can share these past memories with.  And the Gonz is one of them.

The Gonz.  Jeff... or as I like to call him, Geoff.

I met Geoff around 2000... when I was in college and we were just forming "The Group."  Geoff was dating my then-kindred spirit.  He hated me for obvious reasons.  I was stealing his girl from him.  Ironically when The Group broke up (like the Beatles), he and I hung on together - punctuated by the now mythical ski trip that started it all.  But before the ski trip, there was our love for Star Wars...and of course, the Giants.

My first game at Pac Bell....was courtesy of Geoff (and his then law firm). It was a pre-season game versus the Mariners, during Ichiro's rookie season. I vaguely remember Marvin Bernard hitting a HR that game.  Then there was the Dogstar concert, the band where Keanu Reeves plays the bass. That kick started us on an era of Broadway shows and concerts (Matchbox 20 at the Concord Pavilion?? Bon Jovi at the Tank?? Madonna at the Coliseum??)

Geoff is probably one of my only friends who's not an engineer or in the tech field.  Which makes him oh so much more special.  We talk about stuff that none of my other friends care to discuss.  And throughout the years... we've always had these special moments.  The one worth highlighting is when his paternal grandfather passed away... and I made a special trip just to hang out with him cuz I knew he was in a bad, bad place.  Or the epic Halo night.... where we couldn't drive the Humvee worth sh*t, but we stayed up all night trying to, and eventually passing that level.  Who can forget the NFC Championship game where he made fun of the Niners and called Kapernick, Colin "Kaper-pick" when he threw the INT that sealed the game.  I exited the chat group and didn't talk to him for almost 6 months.  Heh.... how childish of me.  He hasn't made phun of the Niners since.

Geoff is unlike any other (as banal as it sounds).  He's from a 2nd generation immigrant family...born of a Filipino and Chinese mix.  He's always the butt of our jokes.  He's goofy... and he plays off the goofiness.  He's well into his mature age - yet he still doesn't have a driver's license.  He's not a saint... by far no.  Not only does he not drive... he refuses to learn.  He's lived a blessed life, where he has means that I can't even give my kids today.  He annoys the sh*t out of me with his reservedness, his inability to at least try to Seal-the-Deal.  And his paranoia is beyond anyone I've ever met.  Including him needing to pee....RIGHT after the last movie trailer and the start of the movie... cuz he doesn't want to have to pee and miss the climax of a movie.

But man... can he write.  Man... can he engage in any deep conversation on any topic.  He was the one that introduced me to the argumentative speech of Star Wars vs Star Trek.  And he was he one that opened my eyes to a new way of writing when he said his UC personal statement was on a handicap... he being left-handed.  And through it all... he's always been a constant.  Especially recently... when I've been struggling through this whole unfounded ordeal that I can only term - "Bumbleful Life."  He's always one to support, never to judge, and always on the look-out for my best interest.  There are times when I can't even go to Anderson or Short and Stubby... and I can only lean on Geoff. 

And today... today I was able to enjoy and experience one of the greatest moment of any baseball fan's imagination.  We did so much together.... rode an Uber... got to the park to pick up some Opening Day pins (of which he was paranoid they'll run out)... then we spent 10 minutes looking for the World Series bricks we bought that paves 24 Willie Mays plaza.  We got to the game early and found the amazing/fascinating Giants museum.  After getting to our seats with 2 Giant Dogs, a Nacho and a Souvenir cup... we spent the next 3 hours in mindless and worthless chit chat... many of which were side splitting.  I've made two best man speeches in my life... and one of my unfulfilled goals...is to be able to make a third.

Image result for best friend quotes sit along for an hour walk away

After the Game... we walked over to Blue Bottle and grabbed a cup of coffee.  Then we headed up to his office at the iconic Trans-America building.  Stopped by Walgreens for my passport pictures (at HIS insistence) to which I spent $16....when I could've just spent $5 at Costco.  And the night ended with a glorious dinner at Bob's Chop House. 

That is Geoff.  One of the few members in Hank's Hall of Fame. And oh.. for the record... Giants lost to the Rays 5-2.

Mood: more than blessed

Thursday, April 04, 2019


Was offered a job today at work... internal transfer.  Back to design, production, delivery.  I'm enjoying what I do now... but how I long to go back to delivering hardware.  So many things crossed my mind... the pros and cons... the wins and losses... the victories and defeats... the past, the present, the future.... what I WANT vs what I NEED....  Was restless the entire day.  Just couldn't concentrate on any one task.

Got home...and shared with Joyce my latest angst.  Her immediate physical reaction already gave me the answer.  But nothing prepared me for her verbal response.

"You keep wanting to go back to hardware.  Well... I don't.  When you were doing hardware. You were not good to us." 
We both started tearing up.  Really?? Was I really that bad of a husband? That bad of a father?  Nothing mattered at that moment.  No job. No promotion. No future. No retirement.  What mattered... was my wife, stood in front me, hurt once again.

"人若賺得全世界,卻喪了自己、賠上自己,有什麼益處呢" ~路加福音 9:25
Mood: 悔

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Ergonomically Correct

All the other stalls were occupied in the Men's Room today... so I ended up using a handicapped friendly stall.  Ohhhhhhh I don't think I can go back!!

The handicapped toilet is much higher.  Which means I don't have to squat anymore... I'm sitting at MY comfort level.  And if I sit comfortably... everything else simply flows more comfortably.  I don't think I can ever go back!!

(Return of the Bathroom Jabbers)

Mood: Ahhhh... (sigh of comfort)

Monday, April 01, 2019

The Art of Delegation

I'm in my position for a reason... it's because I've earned the right to manage a team.  A team that will go through thick and thin with me.  Case in point... this weekend, I was given a 9-1-1 assignment which I waited till Sunday night to delegate.  Part of it was.... I needed time to strategize.  But the bigger part was... I wanted my team to have a weekend to rest.  And I was admonished by one of my team members, to which she said, "You should have pinged us over the weekend.  We would've dropped our personal lives to help you with this.  This is our job.  We're here for you."

I was so touched when I heard/read that.  I guess I truly did win my team over.  Or at the very least...these guys uphold their personal quality of profession, where when they see a crisis, they will react accordingly.

Unfortunately... the flip side is... when someone asks me to do something, they expect one thing. I overshoot and try to overachieve, so I make my team jump through fiery hoops.  To which they take my direction and try to overachieve.. and jump through fiery hoops.  In the end.. all our effort boils down to an email with 3 bullets.  That's it.

I need to do a better job of throttling my team to be more efficient. But it feels oh so good that they're willing and able to do whatever it takes... to answer their boss. I'm deeply humbled.

Mood: humbled