Thursday, April 11, 2019

To flush or not to flush...?

If you were to walk into a stall and see a bowl full of stuff... would you flush it? Or would you move onto the next available stall?

One time, I tried to be the Good Samaritan... and what ended up happening was, I caused an overflow to which the person in the adjacent stall had his shoes...baptized.  (I know... I know... Ewwwww).
Since then... I've always moved on and let the janitors take care of things.

Today... I encountered the same situation and asked Geoff and Anderson what they would do.  Anderson so aptly pointed out that there should be a drain in each stall... and all the drains should prevent any baptism from happening.  Wow!! I never noticed that!!

Now I have to go audit every stall in my building to take inventory of drains and grates!!

Did a sampling audit... nope. The stalls share one drain.  And the urinals share a drain also. 

Mood: inquisitive

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