Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Back on the Grid

Just came back from a 7-day Cruise down to Mexico. Not only was it a vacation from the hustle and bustle of every day life... the cruise also forced me to vacation from the internet, social media and basically any form of communication with the outside world.  Communication wasn't completely cut off... I could've paid $0.25 per 1 MB,  I guess... and that would've been all I needed to main text-based communication.  But against my own principles and along with sound judgement, I stayed far and away.

It wasn't without effort though.  Every time we landed at a Port and we're walking or bussing around town, I'll be searching for any form of free WiFi.  But the tourist spots know what tourists want... no one's gonna offer free anything.  The closest I got was when our bus drove by a McDonald's... and I had about 3 minutes worth of traffic to get connected. FAILED....or was it SUCCESS??

Upon re-entering the states, when roaming was no long followed by dollar signs... I was finally able to get back on the grid. Joyce and I looked at one another and agreed, it was a good, nay, great break from the internet.  I will admit... I missed out on some official business.  Missed out on the Sharks making the most epic comeback in Game 7 down 3 goals with 4 minutes left.  I missed out on the 49ers draft.  Missed out on my Warriors playoff run.  Also missed out on some church business... including the news that a sister has taken a turn for the worst.  Or the fact a long, disconnected friend from HK was gonna make a short stop here in the South Bay.  The news... weren't really news, mostly garbage.  I was, however, in desperate need of connecting with {someone}. One blog entry can't possibly begin to annotate the volumes of unwritten words.

One of my goals for 2019 was "1/1/1" based on the book The Techwise Family.  Be technology free for One hour a day... one day a week... one week in a year.  Huda thunk... that I would actually achieve that goal.  Project 21.... might not be dead afterall.

As for the cruise.... where should I begin?

Mood: liberated

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