Wednesday, April 17, 2019


In acting, you go on dozens and dozens of auditions in hopes of one thing, the Callback. This is where the director/producer wants you to come back for a 2nd audition, where you’re one step closer to reaching nirvana.  Conversely... if you don't get a call... that's the end of the line.

Yesterday I participated in a Speed Mentoring session, where mentors (me) sat at a station and the mentees (generally new hires) would rotate every 5 minutes to come *gulp* talk.  It’s a take off of Speed Dating where singles would rotate every 5 minutes, use their best pickup lines, and at the end, if there’s a match or chemistry, they can exchange digits.  Here I am, putting on my A-game, using my most endearing smile, throwing out my best (or worst) jokes and wearing my twinkle-eyed charm.  Regardless of gender, background, age-range, everyone walked away with “Is it ok if I call you?” or “Would you mind if I set up a meeting with you after today?”  I was on a roll…. Until she showed up.

She holds a Bachelors from a prominent engineering school and has a Masters from another prominent engineering school.  What was she even doing at my company?!?!  Then instead of giving me a chance to exude my charm… she fires off question after question.  She came prepared.  She had a list.  She knew what she wanted.  Of the list of 12-15 questions, she would flip her sheet of paper around, like she almost knew which ones would trip up “this mentor”.  I wasn’t ready for this. I paused too long.  I choked  Then at the end of 5 minutes, she got up, politely said thanks, and walked away.  Failed. [D’oh!!]  Hahaha… my one blemish of the day.  And this bothered me more than I realized.  Probably cuz I was this close to bowling 300, and on the last frame, I guttered it.  Had I missed 2-3 more rolls… it wouldn’t have stung as hard.  Ah wellz… such it is.

As I was about to log off today… I see an email pop up.  It’s from her.  She thanked me for being candid.  And sent some follow-up questions.  HAHA!! I didn’t screw up!!   I landed a Callback!!

Mood: win

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