Monday, April 01, 2019

The Art of Delegation

I'm in my position for a reason... it's because I've earned the right to manage a team.  A team that will go through thick and thin with me.  Case in point... this weekend, I was given a 9-1-1 assignment which I waited till Sunday night to delegate.  Part of it was.... I needed time to strategize.  But the bigger part was... I wanted my team to have a weekend to rest.  And I was admonished by one of my team members, to which she said, "You should have pinged us over the weekend.  We would've dropped our personal lives to help you with this.  This is our job.  We're here for you."

I was so touched when I heard/read that.  I guess I truly did win my team over.  Or at the very least...these guys uphold their personal quality of profession, where when they see a crisis, they will react accordingly.

Unfortunately... the flip side is... when someone asks me to do something, they expect one thing. I overshoot and try to overachieve, so I make my team jump through fiery hoops.  To which they take my direction and try to overachieve.. and jump through fiery hoops.  In the end.. all our effort boils down to an email with 3 bullets.  That's it.

I need to do a better job of throttling my team to be more efficient. But it feels oh so good that they're willing and able to do whatever it takes... to answer their boss. I'm deeply humbled.

Mood: humbled

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