Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The fact of the matter is...

Know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em? Rolls off the tongue pretty easily, huh?  But how about every day conversation and interaction? Must we always point out the truth? Must we always be 100% honest... even to a point of hurting someone? "It's the truth!! I'm only telling the truth!! I can't be someone I'm not."

I guess you have to applaud them.  They're sticking to their guns.  And they've gotten to where they are... by being who they are.

Some call it suave... others call it tact.  And I guess... my expectations are just over the top.  And I guess that's ok... for the aforementioned reasons.  But when you open up and sorringly grovel... "can you hold it with the truth or contradictions and arguments?"  And the other person simply and utterly says, "Nope."  It just leaves me wondering... what is it with people?
That's probably when you're holding a weak pair...and the opponent is showing straight/flush.  It's probably a sure sign to just fold it.  Walk away now before you lose the pot...

Mood: befuddled

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