Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Flop... The Turn... The River...

Had a Men's Night Out the other night.  There were 5 of us... we expected 8.  Anderson brought Settlers... but turns out the pieces were incomplete.  We ended up playing Texas Hold'Em and 5 Card Draw.  We didn't necessarily "gamble" per se... but our wages started out with Giving an Elder A Ride to Leading Worship.... to eating watermelon and drinking beer with Sriracha Sauce.  HA!!

The unsaid bet... was for all the losers to arrive to service on-time.  Not only on time, but also stand in the front during worshi.  Heh heh heh...

What started out as a little bet... huda thunk will warrant such attention from PAL.  Maybe this little game, can turn into a tradition... and maybe we truly can bring some sort've minor revival to CS.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Amazing Race

Since who knows when... Amazing Race has become our 1 and only network TV program that we watch together.  Not Netflix.  Not Cartoon Network.  Not Food Network.  Not even sports. 

When SW was young... he'll watch just cuz it's television, not fully understanding the emotions, challenges and relationships involved.  Now that they're older, they have more skin in the game.  NN always picks the all-girls team.  SW picks the all-boys team.  Joyce and I generally pick the older couples or any team with someone that's seasoned.

Last night... we finished, yet, another season of Amazing Race. The winners were **SPOILER ALERT** a returning couple from season 3. Why they were picked to return...? Shrug.  Maybe cuz they were infamous for having a short temper and easily became the most hated team in the history of the game.  To a point where they'll berate other team members, cuss like sailor, and as legend has it... block a "little person" from going through the door, just to gain some advantage.

To the whole Amazing Race world's surprise, this couple has transformed into the ideal couple.  Never losing their cool.  Always glass is half full.  Silver linings oozing out of every orifice.  And the part that struck me the most... in the final, most stressful moments of the race, with $1M on the line and the other team neck and neck (neck-in-neck??) with you.... the man did NOT yell at his partner. 

If it were me and Joyce... I would have ripped her into shreds, put her back together, and rip her again. I'm such a horrible husband. But as God would have it... we are life partners, running this Amazing Race.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Reality Bites

She says, "又要做biopsy."

I was deeply shaken... even after praying Psalm 139... I can't NOT feel scared, sorrow, fear.

Monday, June 24, 2019

....THE Sports Leader

Started listening to KNBR when I moved back after college.  It was a culture I never knew when growing up...and it coincided with Barry's 2001 HR chase and then the year that never happened.  During those 4 years of Cal Poly... I felt deprived of Bay Area sports... so when I came back and discovered KNBR... I sucked up every show, every minute.  I even famously called into the show and made it on ONCE!!!  Talking to Tommy-T about doing the wave.  Then before hanging up... I even said, "I'll take your answer off the air."  I'll give myself a 8.5 for First Time/Long Time.

The other time I made it onto the air was writing an email to the Gary Radnich show.  He had a section on bathroom etiquette and I was at the prime of my "bathroom jabbers" series here on this very blog. =)  I didn't think he was going to actually do it... but my email had my name and phone number... so he announced me as "Henry from San Jose." The submission was... people use automatic faucets and towel dispensers not because they're lazy, but for sanitary reasons -- the dirtiest place in the bathroom is the handle of the sink!!  (I was on cloud 9).  Then moments later... another writer wrote in that the dirtiest place in the bathroom isn't the faucet, but the toilet plunger.  Cuz everyone flushes, but not everyone washes.  He was right!!

(I'm smiling from ear to ear as I type this.)

And with that... on Sunday... Gary Radnich announced his intention to retire from KNBR.  He turns 70 this year... and with Larry Krueger partnering with him the past few years, it was apparent that this was the changing of the guard.  His tweet was cryptic... "initially wanted to wait till turning 70, but now is the right time."  The day after... Greg Papa shows up on KNBR.  Then the shuffling begins.  And tonight... it's revealed that Gary was asked to retire.  Sigh.....  such it is.  Life is not fair is it.

Just like at work... at 1030AM, Scott called a Manager's only meeting to drop the bomb on us.  I kinda knew this was happening when at 9PM Sunday night, I saw a meeting notice for a 15 minute staff meeting - "No Delegates."  Kinda expected there to be some movement in the upper ranks... but not like this.  One of our biggest fears... is coming true.  And now.... we wait.  Common sense tell us there'll be no change for the next 6-18 months.  But how about after that...?? What value do we still serve to the enterprise? Are we redundant? Do we have a purpose??  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.  Near term... I need to re-impress the new boss.  Took me a year to secure my position and prove myself.  Now I have to start all over again? Well... if I have what it takes... that shouldn't be a problem.  But long term... long term.............. I don't even want to think long term...


将进酒, CHEERS!!!!!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

I'm a cowboy...

...on a Steel Horse I ride.

Of all the English songs/bands/music I listen to... nothing has impacted me more than the music of Bon Jovi.  I think it was 3rd grade when I started listening to it.... and tonight.... Big Bro and I brought our respective fams to watch a cover band.  Hit after hit.  Classic after classic.  The songs hit home so much... that even Clark was dancing to "Livin' on a Prayer."  That even Nui-nui was mouthing off "It's My Life."  That even Joyce was singing along with "Born to Be My Baby."  And of course... my song.... "I'll Be There For You."  The song that sat at the top of my personal charts for over 52 weeks (52 months? 52 years??)

If I ever were to play baseball... and if I ever had to choose a walk-up music... hands down... it'll be Casting Crowns and Hillsong United. Then for my final at-bat.... Bon Jovi.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Star Wars

(first post of many)

Last night... NN officially turned 10.  Which meant... she can watch Star Wars.  At some point in time, we made it a Leung Family rule that you can't watch Star Wars until you turned 10.  Why?? I don't know... too violent? too mature?? They've seen and read movies/books much more mature... but for some reason, I've held steadfast to this rule.  They know the entire story!! From children's books, from games, from their friends.

So I was faced with the ultimate conundrum... which order to I let NN watch it???  In canon chronological? Or in release chronological? After several moments of self doubt... a Force Ghost came up to me and said.....

Monday, June 17, 2019


We’ve all heard it... 眨眼眼、孩子就長大了。 But you really can’t believe it until it truly hits you. And when it does... you can choose to deny it, embrace it, or relish it. After 10 golden years, my 囡囡豬 turns 10. I was trying to think of one standout memory of NN for each of her 10 years.  I wasn’t able to do it... shucks. So in turn, I asked her to come up with her 10 Most Unforgettable memories. In no particular order, other than what I think she said (or what I can remember)

  1. 弟弟出世
  2. 弟弟入醫院/急症
  3. 囡囡溜冰出事入急症
  4. 要戴眼鏡
  5. Getting straight A+ on her report card
  6. Our father / daughter date to watch the musical Elf (I started tearing up)
  7. The time our car broke down in Millbrae after dinner, and we had to ride in the front of the AAA tow truck to get home.  This was when she was around 3.... recently potty trained.... and had an accident on the way home cuz she fell asleep before going potty.  
  8. Breaking up her friendship with her former best friend knowing things will never be the same again
  9. Our family vacation to Cancun... something mommy promised her since she was 5
  10. Being able to chew gum for the first time
  11. Giants and Warriors winning the championships (I kinda forced this one on her... heh)
My NN.... with the next blink of our eyes, we’ll be packing up and getting ready to move to college. Joyce already says she won’t be able to let go. But deep down, the whole world knows I’m the one that will be shattered into a million pieces. 

囡囡生日快樂! 原你每天更加愛神愛人,天天被聖靈充滿,多作主工。 Amen

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Deep night.  The house is quiet like a long abandoned European cathedral.  The only sounds in the house comes from the snoring crickets, an occasional passing car, the billowing of the fridge and the announcement of the seconds hand continuously the teasing the tortoise in the minute and hour hands. In the midst of this symphony of silence comes the rhythmic disruption of skidding and dragging.  The amplitude is constant.  The period of sound is consistent. The echo is familiar.  That sound... is the sound of my slippers ice-skating on the dust-camouflaged hardwood floor.

Once upon a time, not so long ago, I didn't wear slippers.  It was confining. It caused my feet to sweat. I already wore shoes all day... now that I'm liberated, I'm re-incarcerating my fleet of wonders again? I stop... I think... I remember... Mom and Dad always wore slippers.  They too were composers in their own rights and I was always the audience in the first row of the orchestra, studying, counting, analyzing.

Mom's steps were fluttered, scrambling, up-beat.  There's no time to stop.  From the moment she woke up, she was pin-balling left and right to get the house ready, so she can leave before every one else leaves to catch the 30-Stockton.  From the moment she gets home, she's dodging all obstacles to serve up 1-2 plates of dinner, just so she can distract the two spoiled monstrosities, so she can catch the next falling building, save the next cat on the tree, rescue the next damsal in distress. Like a mother duck whose body is as steady as a ballerina, her legs are desperately fighting and flaunting to bring calm to the chaos her two boys continue to reek.

Dad had long strides.  Slow. Calculated.  He already walked all day as a waiter... carrying loads of dishes and plates of hot steamy food.  He walked down the Chinatown hills, only to walk back up that night. He carried not just the weight of his structure, but the weight of his family on his shoulders.  Dad... was tired.  Now, he only needed to get from point A to point B.  Why rush?

The next morning... I get up, strap on the fuzzy Uggs and start sache-ing to the living room.  Before I even get into the kitchen...


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah

"Ask any parent: One of the worst feelings as a mother/father is seeing your child unhappy. Their lack of joy may be due to different causes, but next to that feeling of seeing an unhappy child is the feeling of helplessness." Not today.

After a 17 hour day... I come home to tuck the kids in and they were sound asleep.  Joyce whispers to me... that NN got kicked, not once by twice, by a 2nd grader today.  NN told the teacher and that was that.  Until this morning... NN told me again what happened.  The obvious question is... "Did you tell a teacher?" And the obvious answer is, "Yes." 

Apparently... this kid was unhappy with the way they were playing 4 Square.  Typical playground argument... I guess.  What's not typical.... physical harm.  Never.  Ever.  Do you lay your hands on anyone else.  That's almost intolerable in 99.99% of the cases. 

NN said she quickly got into her defense pose.  Silly girl... she's been to one krav maga class... and at home, I've shown a move or two in basic self-defense.  She goes on about being able to catch the kids leg and flipping him over her head.  But what got to me was, NN said she was really mad.  I told them I will speak to the teacher about it... and if they won't do anything about it... I will.

Well... as chance would have it... as I pulled up to camp, NN and SW said, "That's the kid."  Perfect... their parent was dropping off the kid.  I got into the lobby... verified, "Is this him?"  Both NN and SW nodded.  I asked, "Are you so-and-so's father? My daughter tells me your son kicked her twice yesterday."  I didn't even get to launch into anything and the father gets defensive right away, "I don't like your attitude right now."  I quickly apologize... and asked him to go verify the facts.

A teacher sees this brewing altercation and steps in.  Supposedly the other parent and I were to go into her office... but that father pulls his son outside to have a talk.  I go into the office with NN... and the teacher does her best job of cleansing herself from all responsibility. 

"I didn't know about it." 
"I only heard about it."
"We were going to discuss it with the parent this morning."
"We told them to stop."
"Like any other first day... it's chaotic.  By the third day... they're best friends."

All effin' bullsh*t.  She was lying.  I could've called her out on her lies.  She didn't have any of this undercontrol.  Had I shown up 5 minutes earlier or 5 minutes later and missed the other parent, she would NEVER have done anything. 

Later that day... I question myself.  Did I approach this wrong? Should I have gone to the administration first, because they, afterall, have the authority in this location.  Should I have been more polite to the parent? Should I have let playground rules settle all differences??  I played out about a dozen of these scenarios... and though I do feel a little remorse... I don't think I regret doing what I did.  The remorse, more than anything, is due to how {someone} reacted to my handling of this case; not so much the case itself.

I hate bullies.  Hate them.  Hated being bullied.  Hate reading about bullying.  Hate reading bullying tweets.  Most of all... I hate myself for being that very bully. 

Sunday, June 09, 2019


At today’s All Church Worship and Picnic... Joey came up to me and said...

 And then she continues...

Haha... didn’t realize I’ve been promoted from 偶像派 to 實力派!

Tuesday, June 04, 2019


A couple days ago... finally had a chance to sit down and listen to 六四事件 from the perspective of a born, raised and bred Beijingness.  Few months ago, was able to speak to Ah So.  But she was in elementary school.  They must've blocked her off from a lot of news - for better or worse.

This time... I got to hear it from a 70 year old man, who was in the prime of his life when it happened.  While I don't agree with some of the stuff he said... he was spot on when he asked, "You, Americans, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of 六四?"  The image of the boy and the tank.

Is that what 六四 is really about??

My one biggest regret.... I can only understand about 50% of what he was saying.  Not only is my Mandarin bad, my Beijingness is worse.  What was impressive... Joyce understood about 80% of what he was saying!! WOW!!!

30 years ago.... 30 years later.... is there any difference?

Sunday, June 02, 2019

Symbol of the Cross

You see a swoosh, you think - Nike.
You see golden arches, you think - McDonald's. 
You see an apple with a missing bit, you think.....................

What is it with symbols, logos, designs that can evoke so much, tell so much, embody so much... but consist of next to nothing?  Another symbol throughout the history of history that rings just as true...? two lines intersected at right angles... etched into buildings of millions, hung around necks of trillions, and is the object of so many songs, prayers and praises.  Two bars that come together as a symbol of punishment, sacrifice and atonement.  To use that symbol to represent Christianity.... I tilt my head and ask, "But that's not the full story." 

Then on Sunday... Elder KC preached that the complete gospel includes the passion, the suffering, the cross, the death... and most importantly, the resurrection. Without the resurrection... where will we stand today?  1 Cor 15:14.  If that's the case... why do we wear crosses... and not an empty tomb? Hmmm...