Monday, June 17, 2019


We’ve all heard it... 眨眼眼、孩子就長大了。 But you really can’t believe it until it truly hits you. And when it does... you can choose to deny it, embrace it, or relish it. After 10 golden years, my 囡囡豬 turns 10. I was trying to think of one standout memory of NN for each of her 10 years.  I wasn’t able to do it... shucks. So in turn, I asked her to come up with her 10 Most Unforgettable memories. In no particular order, other than what I think she said (or what I can remember)

  1. 弟弟出世
  2. 弟弟入醫院/急症
  3. 囡囡溜冰出事入急症
  4. 要戴眼鏡
  5. Getting straight A+ on her report card
  6. Our father / daughter date to watch the musical Elf (I started tearing up)
  7. The time our car broke down in Millbrae after dinner, and we had to ride in the front of the AAA tow truck to get home.  This was when she was around 3.... recently potty trained.... and had an accident on the way home cuz she fell asleep before going potty.  
  8. Breaking up her friendship with her former best friend knowing things will never be the same again
  9. Our family vacation to Cancun... something mommy promised her since she was 5
  10. Being able to chew gum for the first time
  11. Giants and Warriors winning the championships (I kinda forced this one on her... heh)
My NN.... with the next blink of our eyes, we’ll be packing up and getting ready to move to college. Joyce already says she won’t be able to let go. But deep down, the whole world knows I’m the one that will be shattered into a million pieces. 

囡囡生日快樂! 原你每天更加愛神愛人,天天被聖靈充滿,多作主工。 Amen

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