Thursday, June 27, 2019

Amazing Race

Since who knows when... Amazing Race has become our 1 and only network TV program that we watch together.  Not Netflix.  Not Cartoon Network.  Not Food Network.  Not even sports. 

When SW was young... he'll watch just cuz it's television, not fully understanding the emotions, challenges and relationships involved.  Now that they're older, they have more skin in the game.  NN always picks the all-girls team.  SW picks the all-boys team.  Joyce and I generally pick the older couples or any team with someone that's seasoned.

Last night... we finished, yet, another season of Amazing Race. The winners were **SPOILER ALERT** a returning couple from season 3. Why they were picked to return...? Shrug.  Maybe cuz they were infamous for having a short temper and easily became the most hated team in the history of the game.  To a point where they'll berate other team members, cuss like sailor, and as legend has it... block a "little person" from going through the door, just to gain some advantage.

To the whole Amazing Race world's surprise, this couple has transformed into the ideal couple.  Never losing their cool.  Always glass is half full.  Silver linings oozing out of every orifice.  And the part that struck me the most... in the final, most stressful moments of the race, with $1M on the line and the other team neck and neck (neck-in-neck??) with you.... the man did NOT yell at his partner. 

If it were me and Joyce... I would have ripped her into shreds, put her back together, and rip her again. I'm such a horrible husband. But as God would have it... we are life partners, running this Amazing Race.

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