Sunday, June 02, 2019

Symbol of the Cross

You see a swoosh, you think - Nike.
You see golden arches, you think - McDonald's. 
You see an apple with a missing bit, you think.....................

What is it with symbols, logos, designs that can evoke so much, tell so much, embody so much... but consist of next to nothing?  Another symbol throughout the history of history that rings just as true...? two lines intersected at right angles... etched into buildings of millions, hung around necks of trillions, and is the object of so many songs, prayers and praises.  Two bars that come together as a symbol of punishment, sacrifice and atonement.  To use that symbol to represent Christianity.... I tilt my head and ask, "But that's not the full story." 

Then on Sunday... Elder KC preached that the complete gospel includes the passion, the suffering, the cross, the death... and most importantly, the resurrection. Without the resurrection... where will we stand today?  1 Cor 15:14.  If that's the case... why do we wear crosses... and not an empty tomb? Hmmm...

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