Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Flop... The Turn... The River...

Had a Men's Night Out the other night.  There were 5 of us... we expected 8.  Anderson brought Settlers... but turns out the pieces were incomplete.  We ended up playing Texas Hold'Em and 5 Card Draw.  We didn't necessarily "gamble" per se... but our wages started out with Giving an Elder A Ride to Leading Worship.... to eating watermelon and drinking beer with Sriracha Sauce.  HA!!

The unsaid bet... was for all the losers to arrive to service on-time.  Not only on time, but also stand in the front during worshi.  Heh heh heh...

What started out as a little bet... huda thunk will warrant such attention from PAL.  Maybe this little game, can turn into a tradition... and maybe we truly can bring some sort've minor revival to CS.

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