Monday, June 24, 2019

....THE Sports Leader

Started listening to KNBR when I moved back after college.  It was a culture I never knew when growing up...and it coincided with Barry's 2001 HR chase and then the year that never happened.  During those 4 years of Cal Poly... I felt deprived of Bay Area sports... so when I came back and discovered KNBR... I sucked up every show, every minute.  I even famously called into the show and made it on ONCE!!!  Talking to Tommy-T about doing the wave.  Then before hanging up... I even said, "I'll take your answer off the air."  I'll give myself a 8.5 for First Time/Long Time.

The other time I made it onto the air was writing an email to the Gary Radnich show.  He had a section on bathroom etiquette and I was at the prime of my "bathroom jabbers" series here on this very blog. =)  I didn't think he was going to actually do it... but my email had my name and phone number... so he announced me as "Henry from San Jose." The submission was... people use automatic faucets and towel dispensers not because they're lazy, but for sanitary reasons -- the dirtiest place in the bathroom is the handle of the sink!!  (I was on cloud 9).  Then moments later... another writer wrote in that the dirtiest place in the bathroom isn't the faucet, but the toilet plunger.  Cuz everyone flushes, but not everyone washes.  He was right!!

(I'm smiling from ear to ear as I type this.)

And with that... on Sunday... Gary Radnich announced his intention to retire from KNBR.  He turns 70 this year... and with Larry Krueger partnering with him the past few years, it was apparent that this was the changing of the guard.  His tweet was cryptic... "initially wanted to wait till turning 70, but now is the right time."  The day after... Greg Papa shows up on KNBR.  Then the shuffling begins.  And tonight... it's revealed that Gary was asked to retire.  Sigh.....  such it is.  Life is not fair is it.

Just like at work... at 1030AM, Scott called a Manager's only meeting to drop the bomb on us.  I kinda knew this was happening when at 9PM Sunday night, I saw a meeting notice for a 15 minute staff meeting - "No Delegates."  Kinda expected there to be some movement in the upper ranks... but not like this.  One of our biggest fears... is coming true.  And now.... we wait.  Common sense tell us there'll be no change for the next 6-18 months.  But how about after that...?? What value do we still serve to the enterprise? Are we redundant? Do we have a purpose??  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.  Near term... I need to re-impress the new boss.  Took me a year to secure my position and prove myself.  Now I have to start all over again? Well... if I have what it takes... that shouldn't be a problem.  But long term... long term.............. I don't even want to think long term...


将进酒, CHEERS!!!!!

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