Thursday, July 30, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 134

Going through my old videos on my phone and I come across one from 2013.  We were at Gilroy Outlets and for whatever reason... I was out of character... and actually paid cold-hard cash for them to ride those moving machines (don't even know what you call them).  The only time I would ever pay for "rides" like this was at Chuck E' Cheese.  Heck... growing up in SF Chinatown... I remember there was a carousel on Stockton outside of Woolworth.  And I would push it while other kids sat on it.  All the parents will be smiling cuz I saved all of them $0.25.

Capture on the video.... was me uttering... "唉... 咁就七毫半子喇."  Hehehe.... really captured the spirit of the moment.  Story of my life... if you may.

I usually stop the video there cuz the rest of it is watching the little spaceship go up....and down.... up.... and down.  This time, I watched till the end and in the midst of the sound of the motors, I hear NN cry out... "爸B我高過你呀!" 😢


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