COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 155
All those years of troubleshooting over the phone with mom really paid off today. Oh my...did it ever. For some reason... PAL is obsessed with having someone share every week for Sunday Service. I told him, "No" in the beginning, saying it's too much pressure to find people. People generally are reluctant to share... let alone they're camera shy... let alone everyone is busy as a bee. But here I am... interviewing someone over the phone because they don't know how to record themselves.
Zoom. I tried sending a link and say, "Just click the link." Nope... hurdle after hurdle. Install this. Update that. "Did you send it?" "I can't see it?" "Did you email it to my iPad or phone?" Top it off... this older sister is hard of hearing who tends to raise the volume of her voice. Ended up using the Video Call feature on WeChat on one phone... while recording a video with my other phone. Heh...
And because she's hard of hearing... she'll have the phone directly under her nose. Every time I say... "Pull away so we can see your beautiful face..." within 2 seconds, I see all the black heads on her nose again.
I tell her to use her headphones... and she pulls out old skool headphones without a mic!! She can hear me fine.... but I can't hear her. What a disaster.
Funny thing was... she seemed to enjoy the company. And I did too. I love making side comments and hearing people laugh.
Thursday night... I was so happy to be done. Sent it to the team for inclusion into the overall video only to get a call from the Editor in Chief.... "I'm afraid we need to make some edits. I'm afraid if we go with the video as-is... someone can get hurt." Hahhahahahaha.....
It's all good.... for some odd reason, you have the shortest patience with your parents and your kids. With outsiders, there's always an extra ounce in the tank. And in the end... I think everyone's goals were achieved, perhaps. And all it took... was a lifetime of training to get to where I am today.
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