Saturday, February 20, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 170

2021 嘅新春晚會又告一段落. 新人仕,新作風,新嘗試! 得唔得、冇緊要。 最緊要放膽去做!I love being able to raise up new talent... and give others a chance to try.  Ohhhhhh..... but after this 3rd round of celebration... I think I'm feeling it a bit.  Wonder what it's like to just join, watch and enjoy?? Hmm.....

This time was a bit different.  Unlike the past 4-5 CNY's... I wasn't directly in-charge.  This freed me up to "do stuff."  That "stuff" was a reflection of Fellowship Life over Zoom.  I could've called it quits with a a simple virtual play - which took so much creative juice and thinking in it of itself.  Some would say that's probably more than enough.  But why stop there...when I can 終於稍為達成我其中一個夢想...  
  • The dream - 用rap嘅形式作套歌劇。(as I penned back in July)
  • The cast - I had a wide pool of talent... but not necessarily the right talent for what I wanted.  Y'know what they say, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit."  But I love my bros and sis ohhhhh soooo much. 
  • The script - This was actually the easy part... wrote it in one night.  
  • The music - There are many different styles of rap and hip hop.  The one that Lin Manual Miranda used had a lot of freestylin' with no apparent beat or rhythm.  But as chaotic as "Alexander Hamilton" seemed to be... there was still a certain set of rules and theory it adhered to.  It's not obvious initially... but if you get it wrong... it's louder than a trumpet in an empty church.  
  • The lyrics - words, words, words. This was literally a clean slate - changing an English song into a Chinese one.  Unlike the Two Lost Sons where I had some words to go by... I think this is as close as writing lyrics for a song just on composition alone.   

  • The regret - As much as my dream came true with a hip-hop/rap song... I think that the song that didn't make the final cut was actually better.  It's a Canto-pop song, so the transition is a lot smoother.  It also told a better story.  As the stars aligned (or not, in this case), this song will forever be buried in the confines of "Never to See Light." Too bad... too too bad.  

So what's next???  I'll assume that I achieved my dream of a Hamilton Style musical, sorta, kinda.  What's of course... what I originally wanted to do as written here: "My new dream... a self produced, self directed, original soundtrack musical...."  趙琛敏, 準備好未?Let's do it!!!

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