Monday, February 01, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 152

Starting this year... Joyce and I made the decision that we will start attending virtual church on Sunday with the kids.  We've tried having them join the Cantonese service.  We've tried separating into two rooms where they follow the English Service and we watch CS in the living room.  But in the end... they're unable to focus (can't blame them).  And it certainly felt like...more than ever... we need to come together as a family.

Every week though... as I sit and watch Ted or Douglas preach, off on the side, I have PAL going on the laptop.  It's actually a bit distracting... but for some reason, I kinda, needa that going in parallel.  

This week... ES finished early... so I was able to jump back onto the CS service to catch the final 10 minutes.  Ohhhhh.... it made a world of a difference.  To hear my mother language, to hear Chris and Sam's voice, to pray together... I felt at home.  I felt a sense of belonging.  

Heh... I guess I am that old, Chinese man afterall.  Afterall.  

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