Wednesday, February 17, 2021

A tough conversation

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 167

Had a 2 hour long conversation with big bro tonight... all in all... he went around a dozen circles to tell me to tell my kids to get off the device and spend time as a family.  He didn't lay it into me... and he softened the blow as much as possible... but ultimately, that's what it comes down to.  

He has this delusional fantasy that our families will get together like American sitcoms and everyone will enjoy each other's company when spending quality time together.  But alas... those just mere moments stuffed inside a 24 minute episode.  Our families are just not built that way.  The age barrier.  The language barrier.  The culture barrier.  The fact that we only get together 2-3 times a year - there is simply no bond to build on.  To his credit... he's still trying to hang-on to his wishful thinking.  If he gives up... like me... then there really is zero chance.  

Last night... I saw Jeremy Affeldt post on his IG a picture of his son engaged in a deep battle of Risk with his grandfather.  One on one.... and during that battle... maybe, just maybe, Grandpa Affeldt was imparting life lessons to his grandson? Or Grandson was schooling Grandpa on the latest trends and pop culture? Or maybe they were debating how the Niners need to go all-in with the salary cap being where it's at? 

Am I jaded? Did I throw in the towel already? Has reality or pessimism settled in where I think it's not a battle worth fighting... it's not a hill worth taking.  And what if I lay down the law and force it 2-3 times a year??  What if that further makes it more distasteful for the kids... where the best part of the day... is when it ends.  Relationships can't be forced. You can't prime Christmas gifts or pass out red envelopes and expect "to be a tight knit family."  Families are not formed during special events and get-togethers.  It's from those lazy Sunday afternoons when there's nothing to do.... we're hanging out in the living room... not saying a word... and simply living.  Cuz if you're not living.... then you're dying.  Hmmm... that blog post took a dark turn.

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