Friday, February 12, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 161

SW had "Character Day" for Spirit Week at school.... and I went big and made him an Optimus Prime costume.  It was nothing more than cardboard boxes, glue, tape and some paint.... but boy did we have fun!!! (I had fun...HA!!). 

The project was pretty cool....  I was able to involve them with some of the engineering and math.  I showed them how to measure and cut.  Showed them how to use a compass.  Even showed them how to make an engineering unit to test out some designs.  

Cardboard work.... 


The progression....

Boy, was I pissed when SW told me he didn't win "Best Costume!!"  I take solace in that the teacher said he already won on Monday for "Color Day." In the spirit of "EVERYBODY WINS", he wasn't gonna sweep the awards that week.  Shucks....

What kills me is.... SW semi-mocks me for saying "I spent 15 minutes and won Color Day. We spent 7 days and lost Character Day!"

What irks me a little is Joyce saying.... "He's gonna wear the costume and showcase for 30 seconds... is this really worth it?"

What makes this all worth it.... I got to have so much fun doing this with my kids. 😚.  Even though it costed me 7 days.... and $7 for the spray paint.  

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