Monday, February 08, 2021

I figured it out!!!

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 158

Following the theme of troubleshooting for mom... I walked into a new method of troubleshooting that is somewhat effective... but won't come near of me blowing a gasket.  Taking a page out of the Karaoke Guys running customer service over Whatsapp... I started doing that with mom over WeChat over text.

I'll just dictate everything... the phone/app is smart enough to type out or record the words... and we go step by step.  Not very efficient... no.  But I think if we removing the tone and pitch of each other's voices... the process can actually be pretty effective.

I even put a spin on it... like how the robot customer service program follows up with polite questions like, "Is there anything I can help you with?"  or "I am quite sorry, would you mind repeating your question? I am having a hard time understanding."  

Heh.... now if only I can get mom to fill out a Customer Satisfaction survey.  

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