Monday, March 07, 2022

Affection is learned

Recently... I've noticed that whenever I try to hug SW... his return hug would be a "man hug", where he would wrap you around the body...and tap you on the back three times. "Tap. Tap. Tap."  

While that's a legitimate hug... that is not gonna fly in the Leung family.  No. When we give hugs... they're bear hugs.  You go all in.  And you squeeze the other person like it's the last hug you'll give/receive on the face of this earth.

The last couple of days... I made it a point to give SW hugs.  Not just any hugs...but affectionate, bear hugs where I won't let go until he reciprocates. There is no shame in displaying affection. Especially to those whom you love. 

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