Thursday, March 03, 2022

It's not what you say... it's how you say it.

Today was our best chance and possibly only chance at securing a Win.  We were up 3-0, and within an instant, it became 3-4.  The opposing team never looked back.  

We had more skills.  We had better plays.  On average, we had better players. But sometimes, you run across a team that's stacked with Shaq, Yao Ming, and Shawn Bradley.  They simply had more height and reach than us.  We weren't as sloppy as the last couple of games... but that could be because their defense wasn't to that level yet. 

NN missed 3 layups... she missed 3 free throws.  Can't fault her alone... but those were "gimmies" that would've altered the game.  So frustrating when you see the players dribbling and looking down at their feet.  Equally as frustrating is when we had some transitions with a player clearly ahead of the pack... but the ball handler hogged the ball and gave away a perfect scoring opportunity. Nobody moves. Everyone stands there expecting the ball to come to them...that hardly ever works.

The worst part of it... was when the opposing team had a player, clearly a newb... shoot free throws underhanded.  Thankfully everyone was wearing masks...but you can tell from body language and hear the snickers and laughter.  That is so unsportsmanlike. So rude. So.... non-TKA.  My heart sank out of disappointment.  We're better than that.  It didn't matter if we won or loss... that stained everything.

I took this loss just as, if not harder, than the girls.  I couldn't contain my emotions all night.  Tried my best to suppress my feelings... until NN came into the room and we talked through the game like we normally do.  She too, was angry at herself... frustrated with the outcome.  But when she started complaining about this and that... and complained about too much playing time... I lost it.  I asked her, straight up, "Do you want to play?? Do you want to win??" 

It's not what I said... it's how I said it.  The night was over.  

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