Sunday, March 27, 2022

Heat of the Moment

So many times... we make choices in the Heat of the Moment that we regret... as revealed at the Oscars tonight.  

It could be an ill-timed tasteless joke.  Or it could a reaction to the said ill-timed, tasteless joke. 

All it takes is one moment.. one regretful moment.. that can crumble the pedestal that took a lifetime to build.  Are there regrets? Perhaps too late.  Are there apologies? Perhaps unacceptable. Is there forgiveness? The answer is textbook.

How do you explain to a 12 year old what transpired tonight? The path I chose was the safe path.  There will be three camps.  One that cheers.  One that jeers.  And one that simply doesn't care.  With any path that is chosen... well... there simply is no answer, especially if you choose to answer in the heat of the moment. 

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