Monday, March 14, 2022

Withdrawals... the worst kind

After 10 weeks of coaching basketball... I found myself lost today.  I was jones-ing to head back to school... to see my girls... to make them run laps... to hear them complain.  What I ended up getting was an empty basketball court.  Just the swirling plastic bag chasing the ghost of yesterday-year.  Not one soul to be seen or heard.  I was fighting a major bout of withdrawals. But from a distance... I heard sneakers squeaking.  I heard balls bouncing.  I heard whistles blowing.  I heard coaches yelling.

I was drawn to the main gym...where I saw the girl's volleyball tryouts.  Over 50 girls trying out.  You can automatically see they were separated by height, possibly by grade. That's one way of doing it... have the tall, medium, short separated out.  Then you determine the three skill levels within the three heights... and BAM... three teams!!  

At the end of try out day 1... NN was complaining.  She said, without even checking out her skills, she was put into Team C.  She hated it.  She hated the fact the tall girls hogged the balls.  She hated the fact that they're more aggressive and can show case themselves.  She hated the fact that she was following the rules... playing her zone... but when someone crashes into her zone... they get kudos, "Good hustle!" Most of all... she hates being on Team C.  

Sure... she's a bit more athletic than some.  But realistically... she has next to zero volleyball skills.  And here she is complaining that she's being overlooked.  

Seriously... if you want to be noticed and get picked... go practice with me.  Don't lie around on the couch and text all day.  You may have talent and skills... but those will get you NO WHERE in life.  If you don't work on it.. .you don't refine it... you don't build on it... then you're just handing Team A and Team B positions to those who hustle.  

And that's the bottom line.... cuz Stone Cold says so.... 

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