Friday, March 18, 2022

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

End of the Season pizza party and we handed out awards to the girls.  NN was legitimately surprised when she got the Pride, Hustle and Desire (PhD) award - as voted by her teammates.  It wasn't a landslide... in fact... it was down to one vote. But it was well and much deserved.  To my disappointment, she did not win MVP... and based on stats and skills... it deservedly went to the Shark.  The Shark is gifted.  She is great.  When I asked the team to vote one person to shoot a free throw to end practice early... they all voted for the Shark.  She missed... barely... and they ended up running 7 more laps. But she is not a team player... nor a leader.  I don't think the girls realized that.  Some day.

Then as we were ready to wrap up... NN gets up and says, "Wait... wait.... wait.... we got one more award." I honestly thought I was going to hand the award out... but turns out, NN represented her team and presented to Coach Mike his signed basketball trophy along with a well thought out... deeply moving speech.  NN said she winged it.  She wasn't even prepared for it... until her teammates egged her on.  No... she is not the MVP... but she made her old man proud today (as she does every day). 

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